Monday, November 17, 2008

Cedarberg Traverse

Monique and I returned last weekend from a 10 day North-South traverse of the Cedarberg Mountain Range. The seven hikers in our group started at our farm, Klipopmekaar, and we all made the 130 km trek/journey to Pompieshoek. It was really great to explore some of the less trodden parts of this incredibly beautiful mountain range. We particularly enjoyed the 4 days off-path hiking north of Pakhuis, agter-Wolfberg, and South of Kromrivier. Although the cedar tree is seriously threatened with extinction, it was nevertheless reassuring to see so many in the Skerpionpoort, Anvil and agter-Sneeukop (not Sneeuberg) areas.

After record rainfall this year the veld throughout the mountian range is looking fantastic.

We spent an afternoon chatting with David Pedro (a small scale Rooibos farmer supplying tea to Wupperthal Tea Co-op) ... it was interesting to learn about some of David's Rooibos farming methods and pick up some valuable veld-remedies knowledge.

A big thank-you to all our neighboring Cedarberg farmers and Cape Nature staff who were so kind, engaging and helpful along the way. A special thank you must go to Herman Van Wyk - the Barrydale potjie-kos champion - who cooked for us (when we weren't sleeping in the veld) and supported us along the way.


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